Newsletter: Featured Lifestyle: Work & Productivity - vol 1, issue 6

In This Issue...


Featured Leader: Gale Connell
Guess Who . . .
Insights To Success: Fifth P of Success
Steve's Creations


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Bee's Club News:

Welcome CCQH-Leadership club members!


Well we had an amazing telenetworking call on Monday! We heard from some amazing members of the club who are doing some very exciting things in this moment. I know for sure I would like to find out more about what they are doing. If anyone else feels the same way, you can contact any one of these featured members through the forum by sending them a private message. I encourage you to begin networking with these other members because this is how powerful relationships can begin to form.

On the same note, I would like to invite people to join the ccqh-leadershipclub group that is at If you didn't say to yourself "What is squidoo?", then chances are you already have created a page (lens) for yourself and you only need to add it to the group. If you don't have a page there already, just go to and click on the big button on the right that says "make a new lens" and then just follow the directions. It is a great way to tell the world about some of the exciting projects you are working on.

One last note is I would like to remind everyone about our next teleseminar that will be in the body/power lifestyle presented by Dr. Richard Keuhn. The teleseminar is scheduled for April 23rd. So mark your calendars as this will be another exciting one for sure!







Featured Leader :

Gale Connell

How to Convert an Entrepreneurial Napkin Idea into a

Cash- Generating Business

By Gale Connell

About the Author

Launching your napkin idea takes courage and resources. I strongly encourage you to seek the advice and counsel of experts. I am associated with IBI Global because it is the best resource I have ever found to support entrepreneurs in this arduous journey.

1. Research, research, research. Today more than ever before it’s easy to do research about an idea. Use the internet, search key words. Find and learn everything about similar ideas. Is anyone else doing anything in your field of interest? (Remember it’s not always a bad thing if there is other work being done in your arena.) Capital is more easily attracted to a project that can show success by others. It takes more imagination and effort to introduce something if no one has ever done, built, sold or thought of it before.

2. Run the numbers. While you may not be able to know all the possibilities early on, you should have some idea of what costs vs. retail might be and some idea of what size the market might be. Run the numbers and see if there is even a reasonable possibility that building it, marketing it, and selling it can produce a profit. If you can’t do this important step on your own complete step 3 and then find someone to help you. Don’t skip it. It’s vital.

3. Take important and appropriate steps to protect your intellectual property. Keep notes that are dated and archived. Consult with an intellectual property attorney. Require necessary team members to sign nondisclosure agreements, even if your napkin idea is not patentable. Today, some business processes are patentable and can lead to tremendous income opportunities if they are properly protected.

4. Create the basis for your business plan. You have run the numbers, you have begun to assemble team members and to understand the potential market. Write a summary of your business and business model. There are many templates available on line for purchase and almost as many for free. Find one that best fits your vision for your company and write a comprehensive and compelling description of your plan to make money with your napkin idea.

5. Create a capital plan. Consult with experts to place a realistic value on the initial capital you will need to seed your business. Your capital plan should include multiple steps and capital amounts. Be sure your capital team includes an attorney with SEC experience. If you are a member, click here to read entire article in the Club Newsletter

Please post your questions &/or share your experiences related to this article.


Gale Connell's Profile

Gale ConnellGale Connell is the CEO of IBI Colorado, a member owned company serving 1,000 Colorado entrepreneurs. This unique organization, with the assistance of advanced training by IBI Global, provides resources essential to the success of growing companies.

IBI Colorado meets weekly in Westminster, conducting a variety of activities designed to train, mentor, and assist entrepreneurs in making important connections to build and expand their businesses.

Attendees who have businesses and projects with substantial potential are encouraged to avail themselves of the world wide resources of IBI Global.

According to Connell, “Cooperation, one of the hallmarks of IBI Global’s unique training, not only produces acceleration in growth, it

also reduces capital requirements.”


Learn more about featured Leader and Liaison Gale Connell in the Club Newsletter (if you are a member) or at in Work & Productivity (if you are a guest).

Contact Gale Connell here.

Guess Who:

is the famous leader in business who started out in the backhills of Virginia in modest conditions, became known at a young age as a reckless sharpshooter and held Jesse James as his/her hero. He/she carved a passion for writing, and had a burining desire to

succeed in starting his own business. He/she worked for years on an economic philosphy for success, struggling many years, and eventually creating a legacy of leadership that brought him fame, wealth, and his own thriving foundation.

The Guess Who™ Game focuses on celebrating famous leaders who display leadership qualities related to one of the Lifestyle Areas in Balance, Spirit & Passion, Mind & Purpose, Body & Power, Family & Plan, Work & Productivity, or Society & Profitability.

If you are a Club member, SUBMIT YOUR VOTE HERE, and if you get this right, you could qualifiy for the Guess Who Game surprise gift.


Last Newsletter's (V.1/I.5) Guess Who Leader is . . . Barbara Bush.

Congratulations, Joey Grunewald!!! You were the winner of the Guess Who Game, and will be rewarded with a surprise gift from the CCQH Leadership Store.

Insights To Success:

Fifth P of Success: Productivity

Tools for Courageous Leadership

First Tool: Mastery of our Thoughts and Actions.

We are the masters of our thoughts and actions. If we want to know ourselves, all we have to do is look out at what we have become through the looking glass of our results. The Laws of Supply and Demand, Cause and Effect, Compensation—call them what you wish—will go on just as certain as the sun has set and risen since creation.


This tool empowers us to reaffirm our belief in ourselves. Without mastery, there will be little or no productivity. What is mastery? In the dictionary, it is quite simpy defined as "the possession of consummate skill." It would stand to reason that each of us is the master of our thoughts and actions, so how can we use this tool to increase our productivity in work?

First, let's take a look at what it means to be a master of our thoughts. Ask yourself a question, and see how you respond. Do you pay attention in the moment at-hand? Are you preparing to respond? Or, are you allowing extraneous thoughts to sidestep your attention to another concept? Do you respect yourself enough to stay focused at one given thought? Are you present and available to follow through with a mental command that you may give to yourself? Do you allow a more subtle "self-talk" to diminsh your clarity or self-confidence? Are you overly boastful and dishonest with yourself in being truthful with your responses? These are great questions that will help each of us reflect on our present-day abilities to master our thoughts. If you are a member, click here to read entire article in the Club Newsletter


Post your comments and/or share your experiences related to this article here.

Gain more on how to use this tool to increase your work's productivity in Insights to Success.

Excerpt from Insights to Success, The Six P's of Success. ©2006 by Cheri Lutton. All rights reserved.


Cheri Lutton—Contributed by Cheri Lutton, CEO & Founder, CCQH, Inc. Cheri serves through her work as a Leadership Development Expert, Author, and Media Host/Speaker.

For more on Cheri. or to contact Cheri, submit here.


Steve's Creations:

.Gardening: Sowing Perennial Seeds Indoors

Steve's Tip™:

It's a little too early to begin growing our vegetable seeds, but because we can move perennials outdoor earlier in the spring, I like to start a few new perennials from seed each spring. I've been expanding my oriental poppy patch the last few years, so I'm going to grow some more from my collected seed this year also. If you are a member, click here to read entire article in the Club Newsletter.


Post your questions &/or feedback for this article here.

Excerpt from Steve's Creations-from Soil to Skillet®.©2006 by Steve & Cheri Lutton. All rights reserved.


Steve's Creations—Contributed by Steve Lutton, CFO, CCQH, Inc. and Renegade Press, Inc. Steve serves through his work as a Cooking & Gardening Expert and Business Manager




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