Newsletter: Featured Lifestyle: Family & Plan - vol 4, issue 5

In This Issue . . .

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CCQH Gifts-that-Inspire

CCQH Leadership Club News

Featured Leader: Ricki McKenna

"New Years Re-Solution"

Guess Who Game!

Insights to Success: Plan. 4th Tool. Freedom with Responsibility

Steve's Creations: Gardening.Plan.Organizing Your Seed Purchases

CCQH Leadership Club Leader of the Year Profile: Joey Grunewald

On Our Website . . .

Get Inspired: Thoughts for a New Year

Contibuted By Gale Connell and Written by William Ward


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How clear is your legacy?

Circular Viewpoint


Share Your Leadership Desires for 2008 on our Forum

Contribute your Ideas for Topics, Causes, and/or Needs for the Club to serve you in fostering a balanced lifestyle and advancing your legacy in leadership.



CCQH® Gifts-that-Inspire







Family means the greatest connection ever

Family is love, commitment, and trusting each other

Helping in a special way

With whatever comes into play

Belonging to a family in your personal life and your professional one

Gives you opportunities to connect with other souls 

and strong feelings of  belonging will just naturally come

Plan to contribute your best in anything you do with your family

Whether it be within your home or profession

Connecting in a special way will set you free

Family means the greatest connection ever

Family is love, commitment, and trusting each other

Joey Grunewald  


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"Dream your plan and then plan your dream, living a good life serving others, and you will nurture the family life you desire." —Cheri Lutton

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Welcome to our CCQH® Gifts-that-Inspire section that features CCQH® Words-that-Inspire in harmony with each Newsletter's Lifestyle theme. We will also begin to highlight goods and services from our CCQH Leadership Store, offering Club Member Pricing even to Guests who purchase during this limited featuring. A Portion of the Net Proceeds for each highlighted good or service will be donated to specific nonprofit causes, projects, organizations, and/or foundations.

Our current highlight is a music cd, In Your Holy Presence, by Debborah Ramsey. Written and performed by Debborah, this contemporary Christian music will inspire your faith, as well as, delight you to step out, dance, and enjoy your life. Debborah's vocal range is showcased in this cd, ranging the mood from a calypso beat to a slower, yet powerful sound. More about Debborah's talents can be found on A portion of the net proceeds from our sales will be donated to The Pearl Foundation, fostering their mission to develop global orphanages called spark of light villages. More information is availble on


In Your Holy PresenceIn Your Holy Presence

By Debborah Ramsey, CCQH

Price: $15.99 | Club Member Pricing: $14.39   Purchase

Portion of net proceeds will be donated to The Pearl Foundation.

Debborah Ramsey will uplift you with her vocal range and Christian contemporary collection of songs with something for everyone. Contemporary/urban gospel with a splash of Caribbean flavor, guaranteed to take listeners to a new dimension in the genre of ‘Praise and Worship’.

Remember, Club Member Pricing is available right now, even to Guests!

CCQH Leadership Club News

We are pleased to announce that . . .

Don Strankowski is pleased to report that his business, Ascend Career Strategies, LLC. has been growing steadily. He has built a steady stream of clients for his career coaching services, as well as, for his speaking engagements and professional development training. Don has been actively working with the State of Colorado, and speaks at many Job Fairs, and is building a solid reputation as an expert on career development and professional leadership. Don's book, Get Hired, can be purchased through, and will soon be available through the CCQH Leadership Store. Visit Don's work at

Richard Grunewald has started a company, Home Remodeling Solutions, and provides a variety of services for home remodeling and custom work in home improvements. Please contact Richard at 303-489-5407 for more details and a bid on your home project.


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Visit our Members Profile Directory to learn more about and contact any of these and/or other CCQH Leadership Club members.

For our upcoming events . . .

Stay tuned for more details on upcoming TeleSeminars. If you would like to be considered as a Guest Speaker, please contact us here with your request and suggested topic.



All CCQH Leadership Club Members are welcome to submit their personal and/or professional news and announcements to post in our Newsletter. To contact the CCQH Leadership Club with your news, submit here to Cheri Lutton.


Featured Leader : Ricki McKenna


A New Years Re-Solution

A Plan for Health

By Ricki McKenna

Have your clothes shrunk in the past month?  Mine seem to have gotten just a wee bit smaller in spots.  Funny how that seems to happen each holiday season.  Then of course out come the New Years’ Resolutions about losing weight, watching what we eat.  Heck, I watched every cookie, forkful of mashed potatoes and glass of wine as it made its way deliciously through my lips and enjoyed every morsel and sip. Now, I want to suggest we – yes, I’m doing it too – observe the amounts and variety of foods we place on our plates, and plan to eat more complex  carbohydrates and more protein and good fats.  Yes, fats. The right ones. Great!, you say.  But where do I begin?

Ok, so you know about the carbs and fats. But what are you actually doing that will give you results you want in about 3-4 weeks?

Those clothes shrinking fats love to feed on sugars and anything acidic – sourdough breads, bagels, wine, gorgeous sauces made with wine and acid fruits, coffee, red meats, pastas, etc.  All the “goodies” we gobble up from Thanksgiving to New Years have gathered together to make us unhappy.  Other foods to avoid include corn oil, processed fruit juices, (eat the whole fruit) soft drinks (disasters in a can! - especially the diet variety) and sugar substitutes (NutraSweet, Equal -- ANYTHING containing Aspartame).  So much for what not to eat . . .now for the good news.

 Try this for a start - and I know it’ll sound strange at first, but wait until your body has had the chance to adjust and you energy level goes higher than Sopris Mountain.

Starting with breakfast, try organic poached eggs and some steamed greens; kale, Swiss chard, cabbage, arugula or spinach and a steaming cup of tea with a dash of honey or pure maple syrup.  The greens are alkaline and help shift your body’s ph (balance) toward alkaline, which will naturally make it start to shed fat cells.  You poach the eggs atop the steaming greens together in one covered 8” skillet.  Season with olive, or flax seed oil (after it’s cooked), provides EFAs, (Essential Fatty Acids) and sea salt or Bragg’s Aminos.  Your day gets a delicious kick start from the combined complex carbs and important minerals and antioxidants in the greens, and the protein in the eggs. They provide long term energy when eaten together.  Yes, you can have oatmeal or 7 grain hot cereals with freshly ground flaxseed and a splash of pomegranate juice – not milk; stir in a whole egg while cooking the oatmeal for the protein. 

For lunch try sliced organic tomatoes and avocado with olive or walnut oil, wine vinegar, garlic powder, thyme and a touch of Dijon mustard, poached chicken breast with lime butter, (use the juice and zest) sesame seeds and cilantro.  Or, mixed greens with walnuts and a sesame oil dressing with fresh lemon juice, minced garlic and a pinch of cayenne and ground flaxseed, and lightly seared tuna or salmon strips.  The lemons are alkaline and the combinations work to balance your intake.

The common fat shrinking "ingredients" in these meals are the omega-3 fatty acids in the avocado, fish, eggs, almonds, walnuts, oils and flaxseed. Much literature these days touts the outstanding effects that Omega-3 essential fatty acids have on the human body and brain.  Joseph R. Hibbeln M.D. and psychiatric researcher at the National Institutes of Health, says good fatty acids are a key component for the brain, which is 60% fat. Omega-3s, which are supplied by diet alone, (the body does not make them), also "increase mood elevating dopamine and serotonin levels . . . and appear to support the growth of neural cells and increase blood flow". Hibbeln concluded, after several studies, that an inadequate intake of omega-3s markedly increases the risk for depression. 

Mood food?  Maybe not what we traditionally think of as mood improving foods, but eat like this and you may see your skin become more supple, your hair and nails grow stronger and your heart may be stronger.   Another benefit of eating foods with omega-3s is the likelihood that your weight will "self-adjust" as your body processes the good fats that eliminate the bad ones without a battle.  Add a thirty minute walk, ride your bike or go for a thirty-sixty minute workout,and I know a lot of people whose moods would improve without the aid of medication – and oh, yes, your clothes will fit again.   Happy New Year!

If you are a member, click here to sign in to www.ccqh-,Newsletters, and read entire Club Newsletter.


Post your comments and/or share your experiences related to this article on our Forum

Ricki McKenna's Profile

Ricki McKenna 1rRicki McKenna, CN, is a health coach, and a licensed, certified Nutritionist in private practice in the Roaring Fork Valley of Colorado. Ricki a.k.a. mchealthy, is also CCQH's resident Nutritionist with regular articles available in our Newsletter and on Steve's Creations on She loves to eat real food, counsels with individuals and families, conducts seminars and workshops on health and nutrition.  Her specialty is teaching creative eating for weight loss and maintenance and a healthy body and outlook. Ricki also enjoys the Rocky Mountain outdoors, skiing, interior design consulting, and talking with her grandchildren via webcam long distance from Colorado to Paris, France. You may reach her at 970-618-7607 or by contacting her here.  Ricki's profile and article are also available at


If you are a member, learn more about our featured Leader in the Member Profile Directory at

If you are a guest, learn more about CCQH Leadership Club and this lifestyle at, Lifestyle Area in Family & Plan.

Contact Ricki McKenna here.

Guess Who

Guess Who . . . is the famous leader who has inspired families all over the world with wholesome entertainment. He/she is a world renowned performer who was born from humble beginnings as the fourth of twelve children, raising some of his/her younger siblings in his/her adult life with his/her spouse. He/she has shared his/her wealth in many philanthropic ways, and, in particular, has contributed much to children and has successfully organized a unique literacy program. His/her ability to organize well-executed plans in life is demonstrated in his/her impressive biography.

The Guess Who™ Game focuses on celebrating famous leaders who display leadership qualities related to one of the Lifestyle Areas in Balance, Spirit & Passion, Mind & Purpose, Body & Power, Family & Plan, Work & Productivity, or Society & Profitability.

If you are a Club member, SUBMIT YOUR VOTE HERE, and if you get this right, you could qualifiy for the Guess Who Game surprise gift.


Last Newsletter's (V.4/I.4) Guess Who Leader is . . . .Fred Astaire.

Congrats to Joey Grunewald for winning the Guess Who Game!

Insights To Success

Family & Plan

Tools for Courageous Leadership

Fourth Tool: Freedom with Responsibility


Freedom  with the willingness to abide by corresponding responsibility will provide the strength to expand your horizons in life and cultivate solid relationships that will help you in your journey toward building a family of connections that are based on love, trust, commitment, and belonging.


Freedom with the willingness to abide by corresponding responsibility will provide the strength to expand your horizons in life and cultivate solid relationships that will help you in your journey toward building a family of connections that are based on love, trust, commitment, and belonging.

Soaring to heights that have never been traveled, that's what we think of when we think of freedom. However, freedom brings with it a corresponding commitment of responsibility. The more freedom we desire, the more responsibility we will assume. Some may foolishly think that freedom means being "free of responsibility", but, that is completely inaccurate. True freedom comes with the sense of self-confidence that one achieves when one has proven his or her ability to be responsible for a specific challenge. Think of the freedom passed on to an incumbent President of the United States of America. He or she will be free to travel all over the world with authority to create global changes of historic proportions. Now, think of the responsibility that goes with this territory. Freedom is always proportional to the amount of responsibility we are willing to accept and step into as leaders.

Freedom offers us creative choices to develop the relationships and families that will foster the type of lifestyle we desire, whether we are speaking about our professional or personal "families." Stepping into our freedom is sometimes the roadblock to our ability to 1.) nurture the family life that will reflect our values, and 2.) foster the skill set we long for in creating solid plans for our goals. Oftentimes, we shudder at accepting more responsibilities than we have had in the past, and stay in our comfort zones of sameness. The tradeoffs are that we forfeit the opportunities for the growth that freedom will bestow as we mature into new places in our lives. Our dreams—bold and beautiful—require specific levels of freedom in order to jump up to the tasks at-hand. Our wings require growth and strength so that we can fly to the heights we dream about in our visions.

 Throughout your life, you will build relationships which will depend on your ability to be free to love, free to give, free to share and contribute. In sales, we expect each party to live up to their promises and responsibilities, freeing each party to dream of an added dimension to their life that will add new value and experiences. Without freedom, the event becomes shallow. Human beings thrive on this trust and generosity of heart for events to move in a forward and harmonious pattern. Whether we are speaking of a newly formed family or a longstanding corporation of employees, people rely on freedom to explore and relate to each other. Yet, within that freedom, we trust that each of us comes to the table with the ability to handle the responsibility inherent in the engaged interaction or event. Just think of how things go awry. It is when someone chooses not to accept responsibility for their respective freedom, and the promises they made within that situation.

So how do you tap into this tool of freedom?

Here's ten suggestions:

1. Identify each level of newly desired freedom prior to its arrival.

2. Create a plan for its attainment.

3. Identify the corresponding responsibilities involved with the desired freedom.

4. Make a personal commitment and acknowledgement of the responsibilities.

5. Define any unforeseen fears that may hold you back in your quest.

6. Release each fear one at a time.

7. Let go and Let God!

8. Be open to the new possibilities.

9. Dream your plan.

10. Plan your dream, living a good life serving others, and surround yourself with the families of support that you desire personally and professionally.


Soon enough, you will be jumping off that launching pad from one adventure to another, experiencing the exhilaration that freedom and responsibility bring when you are sharing your heart and talents with other caring human beings and creatures, making the world a better place as a result of YOU!


Until our next visit, go out and explore the freedom you were born to experience and make your dreams come true!


All My Best,

Cheri Lutton

.If you are a member, sign in to and go to the Newsletter to read entire Club Newsletter.


Post your comments and/or share your experiences related to this article on our Forum.

 Gain more on how to use this tool to increase your profitability in society through Insights to Success. Excerpt from Insights to Success, The Six P's of Success. ©2006 by Cheri Lutton. All rights reserved.


Cheri Lutton

Contributed by Cheri Lutton, CEO & Founder, CCQH, Inc. Cheri serves through her work as a Leadership Development Expert, Author, and Media Host/Speaker.


For more on Cheri. or to contact Cheri, submit here.

Steve's Creations

Gardening Plan

Organizing Your Seed Purchases


Steve's Tip™:: Getting a plan on paper now will assure a more successful garden later.

Steve's Garden Perspective

Now is not too soon to make plans for your gardening purchases, if you area interested in truly creating an indoor garden of seeds that can be transplanted outdoors for eventual harvesting. The rewards will be enjoyed in your homegrown garden salad. I find this time very relaxing, and know that the success of my harvest is a result of this method of early planning. I'll share with you some of the habits that I have cultivated which I believe have attributed to a hearty crop of seeds in my “indoor greenhouse.”

Did You Know . . . the benefits of greens? Ricki McKenna 1r                                                                  

Join the CCQH Leadership Club's resident Nutritionist, Ricki McKenna, as she embellishes Steve's Creations with facts and anecdotes on the wholesome benefits contained within a variety of foods, herbs, and meal ingredients. Club Members can enjoy all her articles at Steve's Creations in the CCQH Leadership Club website member.


(Enjoy Ricki's Did You Know column below Steve's article.)

Most importantly, I have created an ongoing log. My log consists of when I plant my seeds, when they germinate, when I transplant them to a bigger container, and where they are placed in the garden. This helps you keep track of what varieties perform the best, and in what locations.

It’s fun to plan where you will plant these eventual seedling plants into the garden. Last year's notes will let me know what areas of the soil will need more compost/amending. Organizing a diagram can provide a plan for determining the amount of sun each area of your garden receives, and then planting accordingly. I get a lot of reward from building a plan on paper, and then deciding what works best for the outdoors.

I study my logs from last year to see what seeds germinated too slowly or not at all. Seeds have a shelf life. For instance, tomato seeds last longer than pepper seeds. I recommend buying new pepper seeds every year, as I have been very disappointed in the potency of their shelf life. On the other hand, tomato seeds should remain viable for at least five years.

Take the time to decipher valuable information from your log, and create this year's plan with added wisdom and desires. For example, If you are a member, sign in to and go to the Newsletter to read entire Club Newsletter.

Seed catalogs will often give you a lot of helpful information beyond just selling you theiir 

seed products. It is very beneficial to read whatever literature is included to help you

experiment with and grow your most productive garden ever!

Bon Appetit,

Steve Lutton

Steve's Creations - from Soil to Skillet®

Post your questions &/or feedback for this article to our forum here.


Excerpt from Steve's Creations-from Soil to Skillet®.

©2006 by Steve & Cheri Lutton. All rights reserved.


Steve's Creations


Contributed by Steve Lutton, CFO, CCQH, Inc. and Renegade Press, Inc. Steve serves through his work as a Cooking & Gardening Expert and Business Manager.


For more on Steve, To contact Steve, submit here.


Ricki McKenna 1r   Did You Know . . . the benefits of greens?

  By Ricki McKenna,

  Certified Nutritionist                                                                  




Greens such as kale, Swiss chard, cabbage, arugula or spinach are alkaline and help shift your body’s ph (balance) toward alkaline, which will naturally make it start to shed fat cells.  Poach eggs atop the steaming greens together in one covered 8” skillet.  Season with olive, or flax seed oil (after it’s cooked), which provides EFAs, (Essential Fatty Acids). Add sea salt or Bragg’s Aminos.  Your day gets a delicious kick start from the combined complex carbs and important minerals and antioxidants in the greens, and the protein in the eggs. They provide long term energy when eaten together. 

To Your Health!



 Post your questions &/or feedback for this article to our forum here.


Ricki McKenna, CN   a.k.a. mchealthy, is CCQH's resident Nutritionist and a licensed, Certified Nutritionist in the Roaring Fork Valley of Colorado. She loves to eat real food, counsels with individuals and families, conducts seminars and workshops on health and nutrition.  Her specialty is teaching creative eating for weight loss and maintenance and a healthy body and outlook.  Ricki can be reached by contacting her here.


CCQH Leadership Club Leader of the Year Profile


Joey GrunewaldThe CCQH® Leadership Club

  Leader of the Year

  Joey Grunewald

Joey has exemplified her leadership by actively participating in all of the Club's activities, engaging others in a spirit of balance, enthusiasm, dedication, and harmony. Her legacy can be found on her leadership profile. Joey is an accomplished poet, author, and creator of gift baskets as the founder of her company, Gifts from my Heart. Her primary leadership strength and liaision role in the Club is in the lifestyle area of Family & Plan. Joey is available for assistance and support to our Club, its members, and to CCQH, Inc. in advancing a legacy in leadership. Please contact Joey here.



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"Celebrating the Centered Qualities of Humanity"

...Advancing a Legacy in Leadership